An easy, attributes-based solution for adding tooltips to your Webflow site in seconds - powered by everyone's favorite tooltip library, Tippy.js!
All tooltips MUST have a placement attribute.
Includes more options for placement. Possible options are "top", "top-start", "top-end", "right", "right-start", "right-end", "bottom", "bottom-start", "bottom-end", "left", "left-start", "left-end", "auto", "auto-start", and "auto-end".
Allows you to override the default animation style of your tooltips.
Allows you to override the default theme set in your code.
Allows you to set a max width to the tooltip. Usually important if your tooltip has a lot of text. Accepts any positive number in pixels.
Use one number to set the delay for both appearing and disappearing, or use 2 numbers in an array to specify the delay for each. Numbers are in milliseconds.
Allows you to set the duration of time the animation runs for. Enter in one number to set both the in and out times, and use 2 numbers in an array to set each independently. Numbers are in milliseconds.
Determines whether or not you can hover over & interact with the tooltip. Boolean values (true/false) are accepted.
Determines whether or not the tooltip arrow will be visible. Boolean values (true/false) are accepted.
Allows you to override the default trigger for the tooltip. Accepts any of the following values, or a space-separated list of any of them.
Most commonly used for form inputs.
Allows you to set whether or not the tooltip will be hidden on click. Boolean values (true/false) are accepted.
Allows the tooltip to follow the users' cursor in different ways.
Allows you to set the X and Y offset for the tooltip. Accepts an array of two numbers [X, Y].
Allows you to set the Z index of the tooltip.
Allows you to put HTML content inside of the tooltip. TIP: Build something inside of Webflow, and then inspect element to get the HTML.
Determines whether or not the tooltip will appear when touched on a mobile/ touchscreen device. Accepts boolean values ("true", "false").